
Our media kits will give you a snapshot overview of advertising demographics for our publications.

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Advertising Opportunities

Our publications are highly targeted advertising vehicles to help you reach the key players in industry with impact and authority. Sponsoring firms receive advertising with their package of benefits, but you don't have to be a sponsor to advertise in our publications. Advertising is a great way to gain visibility in the community and get your message in front of leading institutional investors.

Our readership controls more than 90% of industry capital. They are the key decision makers at their firms with established careers and proven track records. Our publications have a combination of paid and controlled circulation. Our controlled circulation is comprised of a carefully screened group of institutional investors who have each been qualified to be on our circulation. Our qualification process ensures you that our readers are active investors with an allocation to real estate and infrastructure. What this means for you is that you aren't wasting your ad dollars on readers who aren't interested in your firm's services and products.

Readers of IREI publications rely on our editorial content to make informed decisions. They don’t skim the publication. They read it and keep it. Plus, many publications are distributed at the industry’s leading events. This extends your advertising reach, helping you maximize your ad dollars.

As you’ll see by flipping through an issue, we have a highly influential group of advertisers. By placing an ad in IREI publications, you strengthen your company’s brand by aligning yourself with the industry’s best.

Advertising is offered in the following publications. Click on each publication to learn specifically about advertising in that region.

Advertising Contacts

Non-sponsoring Firms:

Cynthia Kudren
Senior Account Executive, Advertising
Phone: +1 917-620-4666


Sponsoring Firms:

Michelle Raab
Senior Advertising & Media Specialist
Phone: +1 925-244-0500, ext. 122


Sandy Terranova
VP, Marketing & Audience Development
Phone: +1 925-244-0500, ext. 125


Click on the links below to download our latest Media Kits:

Monthly Publications:

Institutional Real Estate Americas

Institutional Real Estate Europe

Institutional Real Estate Asia Pacific

Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3)

Real Assets Adviser

Daily Newsline Emails:

Institutional Real Estate Newsline

iREOC Newsline

Infrastructure Newsline

Real Assets Adviser Newsline


Institutional Real Estate, Inc. Website

iREOC Website

Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3) Website

Real Assets Adviser Website

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