Americas A clearer picture: Senior housing endures despite pandemic pressures As COVID-19 continues to shift the landscape for investors, much has been said about the senior housing sector — not all of which is entirely accurate.
Americas Rent relief: How the commercial real estate industry is approaching this issue amid the pandemic As many property owners and operators have focused on lease modifications and other terms to provide rent relief, it has become necessary to provide clear disclosures.
Americas A guide for COVID-19 rent relief disclosures The NCREIF PREA Reporting Standards Council, in collaboration with the NCREIF Accounting Committee, has developed the Guide for Disclosures of COVID-19 Related Rent Relief.
Americas Single-family rental 2.0: How to achieve efficiency at scale Transforming into an institutional asset class has required SFR companies to critically examine and develop key operating platform components to achieve effective and efficient performance at scale.
Americas A triple play: Why investors are betting on triple-net-lease assets in the COVID-19 environment Single-tenant triple-net-leased assets are perennially one of the most popular real estate product types in both good and bad economic times.
Americas Then and now: Lessons from 100 years ago The only comp most of us have to rely upon is the Spanish Flu pandemic, which occurred more than 100 years ago, and which unfolded around the world under much different circumstances.
Americas Will holiday sales save the retail industry? With consumer confidence growing, will the upcoming holiday sales give some relief to retailers?
Americas Women face parenting challenges, stress in COVID-19 work environment Nearly two-thirds of women in the green building industry believe the pandemic has negatively impacted gender equity in the workplace.
Americas Could self-storage offer alternative for ailing retail properties? The COVID-19 pandemic has led to renewed focus on alternative uses for traditional retail, including locating self-storage space in retail centers.
Americas Buyers look for discounts, but sellers hold firm Buyers and sellers of commercial real estate continue to face a large pricing disconnect amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Americas First look at Q3 real estate fundraising Although preliminary data for the third quarter indicates a drop-off from the previous quarter, it is actually an increase on a year-over-year basis.