The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) has released the December 2024 performance returns for the Daily Priced NCREIF Fund Index (NFI-DP). The total returns, net of advisory fees, were –0.56 percent in December and –1.36 percent in 2024.
The NFI-DP represents the performance of a group of daily-priced open-end funds that invest predominantly in private real estate, generally ranging from 75 percent to 95 percent allocation, with the balance in liquid investments such as cash and public listed securities. Funds in this universe are most commonly offered to defined contribution plans and/or high-net-worth investors. Given the small universe of qualifying funds, the NFI-DP is an equal-weighted, gross of brokerage related fees, net of advisory and incentive fees, index of time-weighted total returns. It is published monthly with an inception date of Oct. 1, 2009.