Asia Pacific Adding value: Varied strategies are blurring the lines between the risks commonly associated with noncore investment Sometimes it seems, for an institutional investor, adding value to a real estate portfolio is as simple as dropping capital into a noncore bucket.
Asia Pacific London and its submarkets continue to draw Asian investors In yet another London acquisition by an Asia-based investor, Singapore-based The Shaw Foundation has acquired an office building in the CIty of London submarket.
Asia Pacific Ivanhoé Cambridge expands Asia Pacific logistics presence Ivanhoé Cambridge, the real estate arm of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, has acquired a major stake in Sydney-based LOGOS Property Group.
Asia Pacific Asia Pacific investors bullish on acquisitions in 2016 Buying intentions among Asia Pacific real estate investors remain largely positive, with about 80 percent of respondents indicating they plan to maintain or increase their levels of real estate investing from 2015.
Asia Pacific March gives boost to Q1 2016 stock performance Asia Pacific and global property stocks rocketed forward in March, as the markets responded favourably to an accommodative US Federal Reserve stance that supported views global interest rates will remain low for the foreseeable future.
Asia Pacific Shine on: Beijing's grade A office market keeps its lustre With China now the world’s second-largest economy and consumer market, behind only the United States, its grade A office market also has developed swiftly, on the back of booming business activities.
Asia Pacific Taking the plunge: Southeast Asia holds promise, but is it sink or swim for investors? If you are an investor, you are familiar with the difficulties of determining when the waters are just right and when it is time to get out of the pool.
Asia Pacific Indexing funds: A new global fund index will help attract more capital to the nonlisted real estate sector The introduction of the Global Real Estate Fund Index in 2013 was a big step forward for the nonlisted real estate funds market.