
Geoffrey Dohrmann
- July 1, 2022: Vol. 14, Number 7

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Full-stack editorial coverage: Tap into the full power your subscription has to offer

by Geoffrey Dohrmann

If you’re a subscriber to this publication and seldom visit the website at, you’re missing out on a lot of the benefits associated with your subscription.

In the mid-2000s, we, like many publishers, shifted to a digital-first strategy. That means all of the news stories we cover appear first in digital form on our news cloud — the very first page you encounter when you visit our website.

What may not be so obvious is hundreds of thousands of archived news stories are searchable and retrievable on the site, as well. Say you’re researching a specific investment organisation, consulting firm, placement agent, investment manager or real estate operating company. Using our search feature, you can call up dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of related stories to help you complete your research and due diligence on these firms.

If you’re a subscriber to our IREI.Q database, the website also serves as the portal to that database, providing you access

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