
- July 1, 2014: Vol. 6, Number 7

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E-everything: Tech innovations are shaping how business is done anywhere and everywhere

by Jennifer Molloy

The fast pace of electronic innovation is akin to transformations that occur in geologic time: if you blink, you just might miss exactly what they are, but not their impact on the world. The ties between how we work, do business and live our lives are becoming more integrated as technological advancements allow us to blur previous divisions between life, work and play. And these innovations are steadily affecting brick-and-mortar investments in some subtle and not-so-subtle ways. What are some of the current effects of technological innovation on the office, retail and industrial sectors? And what do real estate investors need to know to keep ahead — and stay protected — in the digital age?

Work here, there and everywhere

It is no secret that telecommuting and mobile computing are reshaping how people work, but the important question for office landlords and developers to consider is how such changes are affecting demand for space as well as design

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