The world is an increasingly small place, or so we are led to believe, not only due to the advance of technology, but also because the overall population is increasing all the time. The United Nations predicts that the global population, currently around 7 billion, will top 11 billion by 2100.
Though increasing nothing like the developing world, Europe’s population has grown by 25 percent since 1960. The current population of Europe, according to EU-27 data, was 503.7 million at the beginning of 2012, a rise of 1.3 million on the previous year.
Yet the natural birth rate cannot explain the rise. The core states of the European Union have witnessed dramatically reduced birth rates in the last generation. And do not look to the emergent nations for an answer. Though these populations typically have higher birth rates, the recession has had a dramatic effect on birth rates across the European region, according to research by the