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Inside the Edition: March 2014

Richard Fleming, editor of The Institutional Real Estate Letter — Europe, discusses his cover story about how Germany has managed to remain a favorite destination for global real estate investment dollars. (03/2014)

Shop Talk: Robert Bellinger on urban retail

Robert Bellinger, CEO of ASB Real Estate Investments, discusses urban migration, the trend toward urban retailing, and investment opportunities these trends are presenting for institutional investors. (02/2014)

In Focus: Christopher Thornberg on the U.S. economy

Christopher Thornberg, founding partner and economist at Beacon Economics, discusses the Fed’s QE program and ramifications, the U.S. economy and its expansion, U.S. GDP growth, primary driving industries, U.S. commercial and residential real estate, and his biggest concerns about the economic recovery. (02/2014)

Report from Asia: The promise of India

Contributing reporter Benjamin Cole discusses India's promise, why foreign direct investment has been lacking, and what trends portend a better future for the world's largest democracy. (02/2014)

In Focus: Jack Taylor on the private debt market

Jack Taylor, managing director and head of global high yield debt at Prudential Real Estate Investors, discusses the current trends in the private debt market as well as the availability of debt capital and pricing. (02/2014)

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