Americas In search of greener pastures: North American investors seek value and diversification in Europe The strengthening economic picture in Europe has drawn real estate investors from the United States and the rest of the Americas.
Americas Co-working: Investors are taking note of the shared-office-space trend Co-working has shown up on institutional investors’ radar, but not everyone is sold on leasing to the industry.
Americas Tax and the city: Metro-level impacts of tax reform The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is likely to have broad positive effects on the economy and real estate; however, these effects will not be evenly distributed.
Americas Economic clusters: Using economic clusters to better enhance real estate returns and manage risk Eight metro clusters have exhibited differing historic performance patterns, yet the metro areas within each cluster have performed similarly.
Americas Upbeat: Commercial real estate returns end year with positive momentum Although returns for commercial real estate have been somewhat modest this past year, returns for fourth quarter 2017 were the highest of the year.
Americas Head of the class: Putting student housing at the center of mixed-use communities Properly designed student-housing residences assist in creating unique demand drivers for hospitality, office and retail uses.
Americas Keeping PACE: Property-assessed clean energy financing is a game changer for commercial real estate Property-assessed clean energy has emerged as an ideal source of mezzanine capital to fund new construction or major renovations.
Americas Things that go “bump” in the night: Themes arising from our Editorial Advisory Board meetings around the globe Several key themes seem to underlie our editorial board members’ primary concerns these days.
Americas Real estate industry begins to look toward the blockchain for solutions A number of possible commercial real estate uses for the blockchain are emerging.
Americas Real estate secondary volume increases year-over-year Real estate secondary transactions representing an aggregate of $6 billion of net asset value were closed or placed under contract in 2017.
Americas Real estate executives crown industrial as king in 2018 Commercial real estate executives are particularly confident in the strength of the industrial sector.
Americas Global property investment totals $873b in 2017 The global transaction volume for completed sales of commercial properties was $873 billion in 2017.
Americas CalPERS’ real estate returns 7.8% year-over-year The California Public Employees’ Retirement System has reported a 7.8 percent total return for its real estate portfolio.
Americas Taconic, Clarion form JV to pursue affordable housing Clarion Partners recently formed a $400 million joint venture with Taconic Investment Partners.
Americas Hotel investors express renewed confidence Hotel investors are more confident about the lodging sector.
Americas Fundraising times inch downward The mean time for funds to be in the market has steadily fallen since 2013.