Institutional Real Estate Asia Pacific

July 1, 2022: Vol. 14, Number 7

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From the Current Issue

Asia Pacific

Supply chained: Institutional capital seeks real estate in Asia’s growing regional economy despite the pandemic, higher interest rates, war in Europe and supply snags

Institutional property investors in any year must think long term, as the acquisition, development and disposition of large-scale real estate assets and portfolios is not the day-traders’ game. No matter how shrill the headlines, the institutional real estate player often can do little in troubled times but hunker down — or maybe even hunt for emergent opportunities.

Asia Pacific

Different worlds: Structural trends are bifurcating global office markets

The global office market is undergoing profound changes, driven by structural environmental, social, health and technology trends. There are discrepancies within and between global office markets, however, as can be seen from an examination by CBRE Investment Management of trends across six city case studies from London, Paris, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Tokyo.

Asia Pacific

Rethinking real estate: Navigating market uncertainty and the changing operating landscape by reconsidering the real estate frame of reference

The global macroeconomic landscape has changed significantly in a few short years. The result is a need for a more nuanced framework to analyse real estate assets. Furthermore, a structure built on the fundamental utilisation of the space, rather than the traditional real estate asset class, enables investors to better understand the underlying risk exposures within a portfolio, and drive greater diversification.

Asia Pacific

Full-stack editorial coverage: Tap into the full power your subscription has to offer

If you’re a subscriber to this publication and seldom visit the website at, you’re missing out on a lot of the benefits associated with your subscription. In the mid-2000s, we, like many publishers, shifted to a digital-first strategy. That means all of the news stories we cover appear first in digital form on our news cloud — the very first page you encounter when you visit our website.

Asia Pacific

Corporate real estate disposals see record highs in 2021

Following a steady flow of sales in 2020, corporate real estate disposals in Asia Pacific surged to record highs in 2021, with 762 deals worth a combined total of US$44.4 billion completed as sellers capitalised on strong pricing to offload assets, according to a May report from CBRE, What’s Next for Corporate Real Estate Monetisation in Asia Pacific?

Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific property investors resume outbound activity

Commercial transaction volumes in Asia Pacific hit US$53 billion in the first quarter of 2022, up 8 percent year-on-year, according to research from Knight Frank Asia Pacific released in May. South Korea, Singapore and Australia led the first-quarter momentum with an estimated 33 percent, 80 percent and 53 percent increase, respectively.

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