Research: What, how and for why
Every bank has one. So, too, do insurance companies, investment managers, pension funds and every broker in the land.
Every bank has one. So, too, do insurance companies, investment managers, pension funds and every broker in the land.
People today no longer seem to place their trust in traditional political or business leaders, companies and institutions. Instead, more and more, people are placing their trust in networks.
As chair of the Urban Land Institute’s Responsible Property Investment Council, I often get eye rolls or quips such as “Responsible property investing? If you’re investing ‘responsibly’, are you suggesting that we’re investing irresponsibly?”
Research from CBRE shows that investment by Asian investors in commercial real estate around the world this year is set to hit a new record.
The fourth annual Institutional Real Estate Allocations Monitor from Hodes Weill & Associates LP and Cornell University’s Baker Program in Real Estate shows that institutional investors around the world are continuing to raise their target allocations to real estate and are on track to break the 10 percent barrier next year.
Several funds were launched in October.
Alternative real estate assets such as hotels, data centres, healthcare facilities, nursing homes and student housing continue to be put forward as a means of investors obtaining higher returns in this low-yield environment.
Open-end funds can wait. Closed-end funds can’t. It seems obvious, but what are the strategic implications?
Forty percent of the world’s fastest-growing countries have large Muslim populations. This rapidly-growing demographic has propelled Islamic finance and Shariah-compliant investing from a relatively esoteric asset class.
For much of the past year, we have seen a steady stream of articles and predictions that the build-up of nonperforming loans in China and Italy will burst, wreaking havoc on global financial markets.
It is a truism that it is difficult sometimes to know what is going to happen in the next five minutes, let alone next week, next year or at some distant point in the future.