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The How-To of Investing: A new feature takes readers deeper
This edition marks the launch of our latest feature — an idea hatched during our 2016 Editorial Advisory Board meeting, which quickly received wider board support. I am speaking of the monthly feature that begins on page 30 and titled How to Invest in …
Each month we will fill in that blank with a different real asset. This month our subject is How to Invest in Gold, and we thank the World Gold Council for authoring the piece, specifically, Juan Carlos Artigas, director of investment research at the World Gold Council. Special thanks are also in order for Peter Tulupman, the organization’s communications chief, who ushered the piece from conception to delivery to the Real Assets Adviser news department.
Upcoming How to Invest features will showcase nontraded REITs, oil and gas, cannabis, industrial real estate, timber, senior housing, farmland, and renewable energy. An expert in the field will author each ar
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