
- June 1, 2012: Vol. 6, Number 6

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Klepierre Opens Retail Space in Paris


Klépierre,with its partners SNCF and Spie Batignolles, has opened St Lazare Paris, a new retail space at the Saint-Lazare railway station. The new complex covers 10,000 square metres of retail space over the station’s three levels and is fully leased up. As part of the renovation of the oldest railway station in Paris, the group will have invested nearly e160 million in the project.

“Commuter hubs and structural elements of urban planning, such as shopping centres in railway stations, have certain things in common. Saint-Lazare railway station is truly exceptional, in terms of the number of visitors it attracts daily as well as its location in the heart of Paris,” comments Laurent Morel, chairman of the Klépierre executive board. “Thanks to

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