It’s December 2021. We (hopefully) have a vaccine for coronavirus. But we’ve been through waves of sickness, months of shutdowns and slowdowns, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. People have grown accustomed to working from home and having flexibility. Companies have shifted their models. Health and safety remain a top priority as companies prepare for any future pandemics. We’re back to some semblance of normalcy, but it’s no longer business as usual. What’s changed in the months since we first heard about coronavirus?
While we don’t have a crystal ball, we can make predictions based on historical data and analysis. In this forecast, we take a deep dive into the future of the office. These are the big trends we’re noticing and feel will continue through 2021.
Prediction 1: The rise of secondary cities
Secondary markets will become increasingly attractive to a growing pool of workers not tied to an office space, or those looking