
The data dilemma: Data centres are growing across Europe as the global economy demands large increases in digital storage space
- May 1, 2021: Vol. 15, Number 5

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The data dilemma: Data centres are growing across Europe as the global economy demands large increases in digital storage space

by Marek Handzel

Making the case for investment in data centres is, on the surface at least, not that difficult.

The need to store and process digital information has grown exponentially in recent times, while the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted how dependent many industries and service providers are on virtual clouds to remain in close contact with their customers and business partners. Across Europe, the switch to remote working, distance learning and online shopping and entertainment has driven an unprecedented increase in internet traffic and data volume. Meanwhile, in the not-too-distant future, extra data demands will be generated by 5G-enabled devices that are connected to the internet-of-things and the emergence of life-changing products such as driverless cars.

To meet these requirements, the number of data centres located in Europe will have to rise, particularly in urban areas, which are increasingly dependent on virtual data sharing as they transform themselves into the sma

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