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The London Property Alliance, which represents the U.K. capital’s leading real estate developers and investors, has published the latest edition of its Global Cities Survey showing that an Olympic “bounce” will see Paris push ahead of London across several key economic indicators.
The survey points to a more positive outlook for economic growth in Paris, where growth value added is projected to increase to 2.89 percent in 2025, ahead of London’s forecast of 2.27 percent. The City of Light’s economic lead comes on top of its 1.3 percent growth in 2024, with London lagging behind at below 1 percent (0.92).
But the robust performance of central London’s office markets, which is consistent with previous quarters, suggests continued confidence in London’s fundamentals. The report finds that the West End office market witnessed the strongest levels of prime real estate rental growth (12 percent) of all office submarkets compared in the Global Cities