Nrep, Urban Partners’ real estate investor and developer, has entered into a strategic joint venture focused on the Finnish care home market with Plus Hoivakiinteistöt, a local company that specializes in care home operations.
The joint venture will cover the development and operation of the care homes, with €400 million ($434 million) allocated for investment over the next three years. The development of an initial 11 care homes — valued at €70 million ($76 million) — is scheduled to begin this year. Negotiations are ongoing for more than €100 million ($108 million) worth of further projects.
All assets must benefit from strong transport connections and be within, or in the vicinity of, growth centers. Solutions such as geothermal heat, solar panels and lower-emission building materials will be utilized in the portfolio’s construction, aligning with Nrep’s sustainable investment principles.
The strategy is supported by demographic tailwinds in