
Illinois Teachers issues an RFP for real estate and real asset investment consultant services
Other - JULY 18, 2024

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Illinois Teachers issues an RFP for real estate and real asset investment consultant services

by Lewis Dayton

The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS Illinois) is requesting proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide real estate and real asset investment consultant services to assist the system in making prudent investment decisions, the system announced in a post on its website.

The reason for the RFP is that the five-year contract the system had been engaged in with a real estate and real asset consultant is expiring later this year.

As of March 31, 2024, the TRS Illinois’ real assets composite asset class accounted for 17.4 percent ($12.27 billion) of its $70.4 billion portfolio.

All proposals must be submitted via email to TRS Illinois by Aug. 14, 2024.

To find more information about the RFP, click here.


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