
Research - JULY 16, 2024

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Five themes driving real estate in H2 2024

by Denise Moose

Financial conditions remain the dominant driver of today’s market, and political and geopolitical uncertainties are in focus in many countries, along with interest-rate volatility, soft fundamentals and gaping quality divides, according to the recent mid-year update titled “Seeing the market as it is (not as we wish it to be),” by LaSalle Investment Management.

The five themes pointed out are:

Interest rates: Still no map to the trail. While interest rates have big consequences for real estate capital markets, they are extremely difficult to predict, and LaSalle cautions investors against overconfidence in their ability to forecast the path of long-term rates. Macro: Deciphering divergence. Interest rates have been increasingly influenced by widening divergences between near-term growth, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy outlooks, and any unexpected relative softening of interest rates should be beneficial for
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