
Americans intend to travel this holiday season
Research - NOVEMBER 3, 2023

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Americans intend to travel this holiday season

by Andrea Zander

Travel continues to soar, with about half (48 percent) of Americans intend to travel this holiday season, according to Deloitte in its report. The concerns about health and travel delays are diminished as consumers across income groups map out trips.

Intent to travel between Thanksgiving and mid-January is up across all age and income groups with an average holiday budget of $2,725. And more than half (56 percent) of holiday travelers plan to stay in hotels, up from 35 percent in 2022. Preference for private rentals remains flat, at 15 percent.

“The travel industry is reaching its cruising altitude this holiday season,” said Mike Daher, vice chair, Deloitte LLP and U.S. transportation, hospitality and services non-attest leader. “Spending time with family and friends is even more important during the holidays, and Americans are embracing this tradition a

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