
Seattle City commits $20m to Sculptor fund
Investors - OCTOBER 25, 2024

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Seattle City commits $20m to Sculptor fund

by Elise Mackanych

Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System made a commitment of $20 million to the Sculptor Real Estate Fund V, according to the Jason Malinowski, the chief investment officer at the retirement fund. The commitment to the fund, managed by Sculptor Capital Management, was made Oct. 10.

Sculptor Real Estate Fund V is a closed-end, opportunistic fund targeting diversified properties in the global market. Recent investors in this fund also include the Baltimore Fire and Police Employees Retirement System, which made a commitment in September.

The Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System is a public pension fund that aims to provide retirement income to previous Seattle city employees and their beneficiaries. This fund has $4.2 billion in total assets, with 12 percent targeting real estate. As of June 6, $428 million was invested in real estate assets.

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