Institutional Real Estate Americas

September 2009: Vol. 21 No. 8

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From the Current Issue


The Dawn of a New REIT Era?

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) have been hit particularly hard in the current bear market, and commercial real estate fundamentals aren’t expected to improve for years. So why are industry insiders so hopeful?



How Do You Price a Secondary?

Ronald Dickerman, president of Madison International Realty, answers this month’s reader’s question: “How do buyers price illiquid joint venture interests held by institutions in the changing economic environment?”


Shop Talk: A Conversation with Howard Kaplan

When the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) passed in 1974, it opened the door for pension fund investing in alternative assets. Among those new alternative assets were agricultural land and timber, which investors identified early on as a steady, relatively safe long-term investment that could deliver equity-like returns with bond-like risk. Today, with the growing momentum behind biofuels and continuing demand coming from emerging markets, timber and agricultural land investments are once again proving their strength as alternative core investments.

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