Making the Case: Stable returns and low correlation can be key benefits of investing in real assets. Real assets are a broad and heterogeneous category. Oil and natural gas, real estate, infrastructure, metals and minerals, agriculture and timber, water resources and mitigation banks, among others, constitute the universe.
Cities on the rise Secondary cities across the U.S. offer unique investment opportunities removed from traditional (and often more favored) primary gateway markets.
Sovereign Interest: Sovereign wealth funds are becoming a growing presence in global infrastructure investment markets. Sovereign wealth funds have earned outsized attention in recent years for their large, often aggressive, private equity deals.
The Case for REITs: Diversification to the Fore Here is how listed REITs can help you perform better.
Why "Getting Real" is Our Universal Mantra Investors continue to gravitate to real assets for portfolio diversification — and for good reasons.
New Rules Designed for Investor Protection Real Assets Adviser editor Ben Johnson recently sat down with Tom Voekler, president of the Alternative and Direct Investment Securities Association, for an update on new rules surrounding direct investments.
Simple Matters: Adviser Eric Flett leveraged an accounting career to serve high-net-worth clients through his Concentric Wealth Management. What started as a gift of stock in Del Monte and U.S. Steel became a life-long passion and, ultimately, the creation of Concentric Wealth Management.
ETFs Get Real: Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are gaining traction among investors looking to real assets allocations. Real assets and exchange-traded funds. Both are all the rage among investors across the spectrum, but do they belong in the same discussion?
Bumper Crop: Making a play in America Two newly public companies investing in U.S. farmland have given investors a liquid way to gain exposure to the sector and, by extension, food demand.
8 Questions: Middle-Market Firms Provide Yield Play Prospect Capital Corporation finances middle-market companies to drive investment returns.