
What’s in store for 2024? The questions keeping editorial board members up at night
- June 1, 2024: Vol. 36, Number 6

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What’s in store for 2024? The questions keeping editorial board members up at night

by Loretta Clodfelter

The Editorial Advisory Board of Institutional Real Estate Americas gathered for its spring 2024 board meeting in Charleston, S.C., in April, and the conversations held during the meeting will help guide this publication’s editorial content for the year ahead. Prior to the meeting, attendees were asked to share the questions they have for each other, the issues they are dealing with at their organization, and the concerns that keep them up at night.

These responses form the basis of the “Food for Thought,” which is shared with members of the board and provides the structure upon which the meeting’s discussions are built (for more on the meeting structure, see the Editorial on page 1). Following are some of the issues identified by members of the Editorial Advisory Board, which we are sharing here so our readership can see what the industry is currently thinking about.

The bigger picture — questions for deep dives

How do you thi

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