
Visions, Insights & Perspectives: An industry-defining event
- February 1, 2020: Vol. 32, Number 2

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Visions, Insights & Perspectives: An industry-defining event

by Geoffrey Dohrmann

2019 marked the production of the 10th edition of our annual Visions, Insights & Perspectives (VIP) Conference series, which since its inauguration has been hosted in the Americas, in the Asia Pacific region and in Europe. Several characteristics differentiate these programs from other industry conference offerings.

First, as with everything we do, they’re investor focused. They’re designed to meet the needs of the investor first, and everyone else second, based on the theory if the needs of the people who control the capital are met, then the needs of everyone who wants to serve that capital also will ultimately be met. We ensure investor needs are placed first by having the agenda for each of these programs designed by an advisory board composed exclusively of investors.

Second, these are extremely investor-friendly events. We maintain a strict maximum ratio of three capital seekers for every capital provider in attendance, which means the number of investors

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