
The top 10 issues affecting real estate
- September 1, 2017: Vol. 29, Number 8

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The top 10 issues affecting real estate

by Loretta Clodfelter

The Counselors of Real Estate has put out its annual list of the top 10 issues facing the commercial real estate industry. For senior real estate executives and investors, these are the key issues and trends to watch:

Political polarization and global uncertainty — “Potentially devastating military conflicts seem more likely in Asia and existing conflicts in the Middle East are more volatile.” The technology boom — “One of the biggest changes this year is not a killer app, but an unprecedented wave of commercial real estate technology innovations.” Generational disruption — “Boomers’ and millennials’ divergent views of where they live, work, and play increasingly impact the property markets.” Retail disruption — “The trend toward transforming retail into ‘experiences’ continues to develop, and is offsetting shrinkage in the physical ‘bricks

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