
Ticking all the boxes: Demand for high flow through logistics facilities is growing across Europe
- February 1, 2023: Vol. 17, Number 2

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Ticking all the boxes: Demand for high flow through logistics facilities is growing across Europe

by Nathan Kane

High flow through (HFT) real estate is one of the largest segments within the industrial and  logistics real estate sec­tor in Europe.

HFT properties facilitate the horizontal movement of goods, rather than the vertical long-term storage of goods found in most insti­tutional-quality warehouse properties. HFT properties are designed and located to opti­mise a distribution network's flexibility, speed of product movement and ease of small-order handling. Together, these factors reduce deliv­ery time, improve equipment efficiency, and allow for better inventory management, in order to reduce a company's underlying logis­tics cost structure.

Typically, large shipments arrive at an HFT facility, are transferred from one transportation mode to another, and are back on the road on the same day. There may be some repackaging as large loads from a single source are sorted into smaller loads for delivery to multiple des­tinations. There is often a need for ancillary land

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