
- Third Quarter 2013

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Third Quarter: Third quarter fundraising activity totaled $20.7 billion, the highest volume since fourth quarter 2012 when investment managers raised $24.9 billion.


Third quarter fundraising activity totaled $20.7 billion, the highest volume since fourth quarter 2012 when investment managers raised $24.9 billion. Investors seem to be more active of late, creating a promising outlook for fourth quarter 2013 volume and year-end totals. If all funds slated to close during the fourth quarter reach their maximum goals, fundraising during the final three months of 2013 could tally approximately $23 billion, pushing the year-end total to more than $66 billion for 2013, up from the previous year’s figure of $59 billion.

Last quarter, Institutional Real Estate FundTracker predicted investors may be loosening their purse strings as a large number of funds reported intermediate closings with substantial amounts. The same may be said for fourth quarter fund closings, as several managers announced final closings in early October, including Cerberus Real Estate Capital Management’s Cerberus Institutional Real Estate Partners III, which ra

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