
- October 1, 2018: Vol. 12, Number 9

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Take the leap: It’s time to fully embrace digitalisation to deliver efficient asset management

by Maurice Grassau

For many, artificial intelligence (AI) is noth- ing more than a buzzword. The same can be said for blockchain or machine learning. Yet these technologies have already impacted the real estate industry, offering numerous advantages and leaps in efficiency, particularly in the area of asset management. Thanks to AI-based asset platforms and an abundance of data, opportunities for profitable investments are now just a mouse click away.

The origins of artificial intelligence date back to the 1950s, with the introduction of the “Turing test” — an experiment developed by the British mathematician Alan Turing to show a machine’s ability to imitate human behaviour. During the procedure, a subject had to decide whether they were having a conversation with a human or a machine. The test was based on algorithms, where mathematical procedures were used to define the machine’s b

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