
Placement agent expert: A roundtable discussion on property investment in Asia Pacific and where placement agents fit in the current investment landscape
- March 1, 2020: Vol. 12, Number 3

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Placement agent expert: A roundtable discussion on property investment in Asia Pacific and where placement agents fit in the current investment landscape

by Dr Jennifer Molloy

Even in the era of the mega-fund, institutional real estate investors have evolving investment needs where placement agents can play a unique role. Recently, Institutional Real Estate Asia Pacific senior editor Jennifer Molloy spoke with a number of placement agent experts, and their responses are collected below. The roundtable discussion includes Martijn van Eldik, head of private funds, JLL Asia Pacific; Yukihiko Ito, managing director, Asterisk Realty & Placement Agency; and Alfredo Lobo, partner, Hodes Weill & Associates.

As placement agents, how do you differentiate your clients in this time of the real estate mega-fund?

van Eldik: Several global managers — and, in fact, also a couple of regional managers out of Asia —  have been very successful in attracting institutional capital based on strong performance and consistency in managing their

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