
- May 1, 2019: Vol. 13, Number 5

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Landlords could be “left behind” by flexible offices

by Marek Handzel

Traditional landlords risk being “left behind” by the development of co-working and flexible offices, which has put an onus on tailoring spaces to individual tenants.

Colliers International has said that landlords have never been under such scrutiny in an environment where tenants want more flexibility, increasingly diverse locations, heightened service levels and a culture that puts their business needs at the heart of their real estate choices.

Wolfgang Speer, head of office and occupier services at Colliers International in Germany, says that the country has seen a large surge in co-working spaces in the last three years that encapsulates the challenges facing landlords across Europe.

“The large co-working providers [have] found a gap and have successfully, smartly exploited it in Germany,” he says. “Providing tenants with the flexible space they need to operate, paired with a level of service that one might expect in a hotel, has left landlords who

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