
Building wellbeing: Redefining social real estate is key to wellbeing investment
- March 1, 2021: Vol. 15, Number 3

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Building wellbeing: Redefining social real estate is key to wellbeing investment

by Adrian Ion

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a more opportune moment to consider investment in human wellbeing, recognising the key role it plays in the prevention of a health crisis, and in dealing with its aftermath.

In the years to come, the creation of wellbeing needs to sit alongside Keynesian economics and environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles as an important consideration for investors and policymakers alike. While the “S” in ESG is mainly concerned with the mitigation of the impact of business on society, wellbeing is concerned with the active delivery of comfort, health and happiness to employees and customers. And as with ESG, businesses that score highly on wellbeing will invariably have better financial results and be more resilient, with their success tracing back to happier, healthier and more fulfilled employees and customers.

At the recent CBRE EMEA conference, speakers highlighted the emergence of “beds, sheds and me

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