
Korean UK investment could surpass €4.4 billion in 2018
- October 1, 2018: Vol. 12, Number 9

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Korean UK investment could surpass €4.4 billion in 2018

by Marek Handzel and Andrea Zander

South Korean investment in the UK com- mercial property market hit £1.1 billion (€1.2 billion) in the first half of 2018 and could surpass £4 billion (€4.4 billion) by the end of the year.

Cushman & Wakefield has said that the first half transaction total conducted by South Korean investors is more than double the £530 million (€588 million) invested in the whole of 2017. Four large office deals made up the total, the largest of which was Mirae Asset Global Invest- ments’ purchase of 20 Old Bailey in the City of London for £340 million (€377 million). The oth- ers include Samsung SRA buying 200 Aldersgate for £311 million (€345 million), Mirae Asset Dae- woo and NH Investment & Securities paying £248 million (€275 million) for Cannon Bridge House and Korea Investment Securities getting the keys to 70 Mark Lane for £200 million (€222 million).

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