
It's all about the network: Consider your commitments and cultivate your time wisely
- April 1, 2023: Vol. 17, Number 4

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It’s all about the network: Consider your commitments and cultivate your time wisely

by Geoffrey Dohrmann

There's a huge difference -qualitatively and in terms of results- between time engaged with small networks and time engaged with larger networks. So, be careful how you spend your time, with whom and where.

One way to think about this publication is as the hub of a large, well-established network of institutional investors, consultants and investment managers -  the people who read and refer frequently to this publication and its web­ related resources. Each of you reading this publication con­ ceptually constitutes a node in that large, global network.

A representative cross-section of that readership attends and participates in our annual Editorial Advisory Board meeting, where they have the chance to interact face-to­ face, socialise, communicate, and exchange ideas and per­spectives  with  each other. An even larger  cross-section attends and  participates in our  face-to-face Visions, Insights & Perspectives events.

Our goal in hosting all of

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