
- May 1, 2018: Vol. 10, Number 5

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Investors globally remain satisfied with real estate

by Loretta Clodfelter

“Real estate continues to outperform investor expectations,” said Jim Woidat, a principal at Kingsley Associates, at a briefing in New York City on the preliminary results of the annual survey of real estate investors conducted jointly by Institutional Real Estate, Inc and Kingsley Associates.

In its 22nd year, the 2018 Institutional Investors Real Estate Trends survey received 186 responses from 129 US-based investors and 57 foreign investors, with a combined total of US$10.06 trillion in assets under management (US$5.04 trillion for US investors and US$5.02 trillion for foreign investors). Of this amount, survey participants had a combined total of US$980.7 billion in real estate assets under management (US$454.1 billion for US investors and US$526.6 billion for foreign investors).

A significant majority of respondents to the survey are satisfied with their real estate investments, with 43 percent of US investors very satisfied and 39 percent somewhat sa

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