
- March 1, 2023: Vol. 17, Number 3

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Food for thought: What’s on investors’ minds these days?

by Geoffrey Dohrmann

Each year, we hold two Editorial Advisory Board meetings in the Americas region, one in the European region, and one in the Asia Pacific region. The objective, always, is to create a one-to-one relationship between the publication sponsors in attendance (mostly investment managers) and the representatives from our targeted readership of investors and their consultants. (In some cases, we actually exceeded that ratio, with more capital allocator types in attendance than capital seekers.)

These meetings are always organised as a series of roundtable discussions, the topics for which are determined in advance by the discussion participants. And, while topics suggested almost always vary somewhat by region, there are always some common elements shared by investors and their advisers around the globe (see further coverage of our recent board meetings in “The money talks” feature in the February 2023 issues of our regional magazines).

Identifying these topics (and engagi

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