
Bright outlook: Sentiment for Asia Pacific real estate investment reassuringly resilient, despite COVID-19
- April 1, 2021: Vol. 13, Number 4

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Bright outlook: Sentiment for Asia Pacific real estate investment reassuringly resilient, despite COVID-19

by Amélie Delaunay

A year on from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, investors are still as bullish about real estate as they were before the start of the outbreak. The results of the recent ANREV/INREV/PREA Investment Intentions Survey 2021 reaffirm the limited impact of the corona­virus on sentiment and, in effect, paints a picture of what would otherwise be a very ordinary year in terms of investment intentions.

Despite the turbulence of 2020, across all investment destinations globally, more investors reported plans to increase allocations to real estate than to reduce them because of COVID-19. This was particularly the case with Asia Pacific investments, as 22 percent said the crisis urged them to increase their planned investments in the region, which compares with 16 percent who will increase for the United States and 13 percent for Europe. The trend has been driven by Asia Pacific and European investors, who have actually been pushed by the pandemic to increase allocations. T

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