
Biden outraises Trump among real estate donors
- October 1, 2020: Vol. 32, Number 9

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Biden outraises Trump among real estate donors

by Loretta Clodfelter

As we head into the final stretch of the U.S. presidential campaign, it is unclear whether the winner will be President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has the lead in polls, but the structure of the Electoral College provides a boost for Trump.

One thing that’s clear: when it comes to the real estate industry, campaign finance contributions indicate Biden has more support. The Biden campaign (and outside groups working on his behalf) has raised $17.17 million from donors in the real estate industry, as of Aug. 21, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign donations at By contrast, the Trump campaign (and outside groups working on his behalf) has raised $15.59 million from donors in the real estate industry.

And Biden appears to be the clear choice of the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate sector overall, raising $76.80 million, compared to $43.01 million for Trump.

Loretta Clodfelter

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