
Access to a rocket ship: What could go wrong?
- June 1, 2019: Vol. 31, Number 6

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Access to a rocket ship: What could go wrong?

by Jonathan Schein

The biggest questions top of mind for investors, managers and other industry players are, “Where are we in the current economic cycle, and are the good times coming to an end?” Opinions vary, as they always do, with a focus on certain indicators; favorable jobs reports and continued positive economic expansion, with a 3.2 percent increase in GDP in first quarter 2019, are cited by optimists, while the recent inverted yield curve and other indicators are a sign to others that we’re running out of steam.

At our most recent Editorial Advisory Board Meeting this past April in Ojai, Calif. (see “Breaking through” for our event wrap-up), one of the topics discussed was how managers are developing new ideas or expanding their current strategies to find and increase yield. With cap rate compression, great deals increasingly difficult to

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