
A new curriculum for student housing: How investing in student health drives value and mitigates risk in an evolving market
- February 1, 2025: Vol. 37, Number 2

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A new curriculum for student housing: How investing in student health drives value and mitigates risk in an evolving market

by Joanna Frank

Why has student housing become the darling of real estate? With the global student population projected to exceed 594 million by 2040 — more than doubling due to an expanding middle class and increased higher education enrollment — the demand for quality accommodations has never been higher. Today’s students are reshaping the housing market, prioritizing environments that promote mental and physical well-being, a shift that has been deeply influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the past decade, demand for student housing has outpaced enrollment growth, particularly at large public universities. This convergence creates a compelling opportunity for investors and developers. By aligning investment strategies with the health-focused priorities of this generation, there is an unprecedented chance to bridge the supply/demand gap and gain a competitive edge in an evolving market. Addressing the dual challenge of meeting this rising demand while embracing sustainable, healt

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