
The United Kingdom looks set to lead the recovery in 2025 — for now, at least
FEBRUARY 1, 2025

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The United Kingdom looks set to lead the recovery in 2025 — for now, at least

by Marek Handzel

A new real estate investment cycle is gathering momentum in early 2025, and there is a general consensus that the United Kingdom is leading the European, and perhaps even the global, recovery.

As M&G Real Estate argued in early December in its Global Real Estate Outlook white paper, the United Kingdom has navigated a prolonged period of uncertainty and emerged with renewed momentum, providing attractive opportunities for investors to increase allocations. This impulse comes from a recognition that the country needs to reverse its decades-long underinvestment in essential UK infrastructure such as housing and healthcare. Investors can take advantage of this, knowing that not only is there an ambitious investment pipeline in place supported by strong cross-party political backing, but there is also a shortage of aligned private capital.

This creates “an abundant landscape for holistic, private asset investing”, states M&G Real Estate in the paper.

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