
Transactions - FEBRUARY 15, 2024

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Sentinel delivers 172 new rental homes at The Briscoe by Kinleaf in West Melbourne

by Released

Sentinel Fund Manager Australia, the Australian arm of U.S. development and real estate investment management firm Sentinel Real Estate, has launched Melbourne’s latest build-to-rent multifamily development, The Briscoe by Kinleaf in West Melbourne.

“The Briscoe has delivered a boost of high-quality rental supply to Melbourne’s housing market at a critical time,” said Michael Streicker, Sentinel’s President. “It is evident that housing needs and preferences are evolving across Australia and The Briscoe is a great example of how a well-designed build-to-rent product with an experienced operator can fulfill some of the growing demand for housing and offer greater housing choice.”

The Briscoe is purpose-built for renters and offers premium and sustainable one-, two

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