Below is a sampling of recent property transactions tracked by Real Capital Analytics (RCA). The two largest completed transactions included an office in Watertown, Mass., and a hotel in San Jose.
In Massachusetts, Harvard University sold Watertown Arsenal, a 750,000-square-foot office, for $168.5 million. The buyer was Athenahealth, an electronic health records company. The sale includes the entire 11-building office park that sits on the Charles River less than 10 miles outside of Boston. The 29-acre site was originally an armory for American troops in the Civil War and first and second World Wars and includes buildings that are around 200 years old. As an office park, the Arsenal on the Charles has served as Athenahealth’s headquarters since 2005, and the company already takes up a large portion of the property’s 760,000 square feet.
In addition, CBRE Global Investors