
Research - NOVEMBER 10, 2021

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Physical retail to support ecommerce in establishing retailer’s brand

by Andrea Zander

Physical retail could become more attractive as online retailers grapple with the rising costs of digital advertising and goods fulfilment, as well as the growing importance to consumers of minimizing environmental impact, suggests research from CBRE Investment Management in its report entitled Clicks to bricks: physical retail as a solution to digital deterrents.

With the online retailing space becoming more crowded, customer acquisition costs have risen significantly in recent years — with this trend expected to continue — making the cost of building a meaningful presence solely through digital means less affordable. With rental demand for high-street stores decreasing, physical retail is becoming a viable and cost-effective way to support ecommerce in establishing a brand and acquiring customers.

A physical presence offers further advantages too. A survey conducted by the Baymard Institute found that almost 50 percent of digital shoppers who abandon the

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