
Investors - JULY 1, 2024

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Parisian charm: The Paris real estate market is offering fresh opportunities for investment

by Luca Gudewill, Real I.S.

Paris, the metropolis on the Seine, is one of the most popular cities in Europe, and not just among tourists.

One of the reasons for the French capital's current attraction for real estate investors is because its property market is getting a fresh boost from large-scale infrastructure projects and major sporting events. Most notably, the 2024 Summer Olympics and the ambitious Grand Paris Express project are acting as catalysts for the real estate market. In addition, the Paris central business district (CBD) boasts a very stable and resilient rental market. This results in attractive investment opportunities for real estate investors.

Grand Paris Express

The Grand Paris Express project will add five new metro lines to the public transport network of Paris. As one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Europe, it sets new benchmarks for urban development. The new lines are intended to link the outer suburbs of Paris and to

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