
Transactions - MARCH 8, 2017

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Investment in German real estate increases

by Andrea Waitrovich

Approximately €3.2 billion ($3.4 billion) was invested in the Germany commercial real estate market in February, according to Savills. German transaction volume in the past 12 months totaled more than €55.2 billion ($58.2 billion).

Transaction volume was up, year over year, as sales activity in February 2016 was around €2.5 billion ($2.6 billion). But the February 2017 sales volume total was below the average monthly transaction volume of €4.6 billion ($4.9 billion) recorded during the past 12 months.

By market, transaction volume during the past 12 months was more than €5.3 billion ($5.6 billion) in Berlin; €2.1 billion ($2.22 billion) in Cologne; €2.48 billion ($2.62 billion) in Düsseldorf; €6.33 billion ($6.68 billion) in Frankfurt; €4.54 billion ($4.79 billion) in Hamburg; €5.67 billion ($5.98 billion) in Munich; and €1.8 billion ($1.9 billion) in Stuttgart.

The top three German real estate transactions in February were:

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