
Investors - DECEMBER 20, 2019

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Digital Realty reaches agreement with Nalco Water to enhance water stewardship

by Andrea Zander

Digital Realty has reached an agreement with Nalco Water, a water management technologies and expertise firm, to advance Digital Realty’s water strategy and extend the company’s leadership on sustainable environmental performance within the global data center industry.

The program will expand the company’s efforts to optimize water use through reduction, reuse and recycle projects, while ensuring reliable performance and operational resiliency for data center operations around the world.

The agreement with Nalco Water will help implement cooling technologies designed to achieve the best balance between water consumption, energy consumption and environmental impacts. Benefits for Digital Realty and its customers include:

Enhancing water resiliency and redundancy Strengthening water use monitoring and measurement capabilities Improving visibility into water using systems Reducing water consumption through innovative trea
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