
Connecticut commits $150m to Mesirow fund
Investors - JANUARY 27, 2025

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Connecticut commits $150m to Mesirow fund

by Elise Mackanych

Connecticut’s Investment Advisory Council (IAC) has committed $150 million to real estate as part of its January investment commitments. This information was confirmed by a press release on Jan. 23.

Connecticut’s IAC committed up to $150 million to Mesirow Financial Real Estate Value Fund V. This fund is a value-added, closed-end fund that is focused on the multifamily and student housing sectors in the United States. It has a fundraising goal of $1.2 billion.

Connecticut’s IAC announced total commitments of $1.95 billion in its first meeting of the year. These commitments span infrastructure and natural resources, private real estate, private equity and private credit portfolios. During IAC’s meeting, recommended pacing plans for real estate and infrastructure/natural resources were also reviewed.

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