
Fundraising - MARCH 15, 2022

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COIMA brings second logistics fund to market

by Kali Persall

Milan, Italy-based COIMA, an asset manager for institutional investors, has launched its second logistics fund, aiming to hit a target of €1 billion ($1.1 billion) of investment in the sector this year.

COIMA Logistics Fund II will focus on creating a broad logistics platform fully aligned to the demands of contemporary occupiers through the acquisition of both leased properties and buildings to develop and be let.

The first dedicated COIMA Logistics Fund launched in 2013, investing some €100 million ($109 million).

“COIMA began investing in the logistics sector in 2010, in partnership with specialist operator 2K, and today we continue to see huge potential in the sector for further growth,” said Manfredi Catella, founder and CEO of COIMA. “After the success of the first COMIA Logistics Fund, we are now pushing forward with a second wave of investment, continuing to target logistics assets that are fully aligned with the highest standards of sustainabi

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