
Investors - FEBRUARY 28, 2024

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CalSTRS releases its latest sustainability report

by Lewis Dayton

The California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) has released its latest Sustainability Report recapping 2022-2023.

In its report, CalSTRS stressed the importance of generating and providing sustainable savings from the pension fund. That’s of particular importance because California’s public educators live longer than average than the U.S. population.

The report also showed that, under current actuarial assumptions, CalSTRS is slightly ahead of schedule to reach full funding for the Defined Benefit program by 2046.

During 2022-2023, CalSTRS also made some progress on its commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions in its investment portfolio by 2050, having reallocated capital within its global-equity portfolio to reduce greenhouse-emissions by roughly 14 percent, as well as deploying more than $1.3 billion into a dedicated low-carbon solutions, private-assets portfolio managed by the Sustainable Investment and Stewardship Strategies

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